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Change is Coming

  • Change is the only constant in life - Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher

  • The measure of intelligence is the ability to change - Albert Einstein, German Physicist

  • Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein, German Physicist

  • The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new - Socrates, Greek Philosopher

There are two ways to deal with change - you either try to fight it or you embrace and influence it because, inevitably, change will happen.

In the Artistic Swimming world, over the past 6 months, athletes and coaches have been faced with fundamental competition rule changes that affect our sport. These changes are designed to make the sport fairer and give credit to athletes for good performances by introducing objective measurements. A monumental effort by dedicated World Aquatics administrators which should be applauded.

Team Phoenix embraced these changes early and made sure our athletes understood the implications for their routines and performances. Recent results have shown the wisdom of this approach.

ProSynchro Club (also run by Dave and Vicky in the 90's) had a history of not only initiating change but also embracing and influencing change in coaching, officiating and in the creation of rules and regulations to grow and improve the sport in South Africa. Team Phoenix is once again being a catalyst for change in the sport in South Africa.

When Team Phoenix first started offering training in early 2021 - we were surprised by the lack of change over the past 20 years and we decided to do things differently. We understood the current environment, the inherent weaknesses and the opportunities to make a positive difference.

We introduced the concept of independent High Performance training, offering this to any athlete or coach irrespective of club or provincial affiliation. Team Phoenix is not a club, but a training resource. Our model is one of collaboration, sharing information and working with athletes and coaches from any club in the country. The aim being to help improve and grow the existing clubs organically, by passing on knowledge and expertise and then by creating and growing new clubs.

The first High Performance clinic was very successful and was instrumental in forming SA's first mixed duet. We have run a number of High Performance clinics and have trained almost a dozen new coaches and helped start Artistic Swimming in 5 clubs/schools.

Team Phoenix also coached a multi provincial duet at SA Nationals - which won - and proved that swimmers from different clubs are sometimes better as partners than swimmers from the same club. Our coaching model encourages this and is proving to be successful and the improved standard of Team Phoenix athletes over the past few competitions is testament to this.

We have been heartened by the positive response from athletes and parents alike who have been wanting change in the sport in South Africa for a long time. For too long the same tired formula has been repeated over and over, but dwindling numbers and competitively slipping further behind our international peers, provides a stark reminder that change is needed.

Team Phoenix is pleased to be leading change in the sport, as we lay the foundations for a future where athletes are respected and valued, where information and knowledge is freely shared and where coaches and clubs collaborate for the benefit of the sport as a whole.

Change also takes time and, after 18 months of hard work and preparation, Team Phoenix will soon be announcing an initiative which we believe will be a game changer and could transform the sport in South Africa forever.

Fight it or embrace it, change is inevitable.

The countdown has begun.

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