SA National Age Groups was held at The Barbara Dowell Pool at Durban Girls College in Durban.
Team Phoenix offers coaching expertise to any athlete or club. We teamed up with Cosmo Dolphins, a new Artistic Swimming development club in Johannesburg to enter National Age Groups in December 2022.
We had a team of 6 athletes competing across 4 age groups.
Results were outstanding and listed below:
The team:
Arwen Coetzee - Novice 13 to 18 - Figures - Gold
Kenzie Malan - 12&U - Figures - Gold, Solo - Gold
Jadi Malan - Youth 13 to 15 - Figures - Bronze, Solo - Bronze
Kaitlyn Doms - Senior - Tech Solo - Silver
Jess Hayes-Hill - Senior - Free Duet - Gold
Laura Strugnell - Senior - Free Duet - Gold
Cosmo Dolphins placed 4th out of 8 at their first competition - a great achievement and we look forward to our continuing partnership.